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Postgraduate Studies

Post Graduate Study Details


The university received a significant number of post graduate students (Masters and PhD) at various degree awarding departments every year. The details of admission for the post graduate program are described below:


Degrees Offered


The postgraduate degrees offered by the various departments are as follows-




Degrees offered

Mechanical Engineering

Master of Science and Engineering (M.Sc. Engg.)

Master of Engineering (M. Engg.)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Civil Engineering

Master of Science and Engineering (M.Sc. Engg.)

Master of Engineering (M. Engg.)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Master of Science and Engineering (M.Sc. Engg.)

Master of Engineering (M. Engg.)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Computer Science and Engineering

Master of Science and Engineering (M.Sc. Engg.)

Master of Engineering (M. Engg.)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Industrial and Production Engineering

Master of Science and Engineering (M.Sc. Engg.)

Master of Engineering (M. Engg.)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Master of Science (M.Sc)

Masters of Philosophy (M.Phil)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Master of Science (M.Sc)

Masters of Philosophy (M.Phil)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Master of Science (M.Sc)

Masters  of Philosophy (M.Phil)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Academic Calendar 


 There are two semesters namely, odd semester and even semester in one academic year. Normally, odd semester is start in April and the even semester in October. Academic progress is measured in terms of credit hours earned by a student. One credit hour for theory course normally requires one hour of class attendance per week in a   semester. While one credit hour for thesis, Project and laboratory classes normally requires three hours of work per week in a   semester.


Admission Procedure


  1. Applications for admission to the above courses shall be invited through regular means of advertisement and shall be received through prescribed application form.

  2. There shall be an admission Committee in each department as constituted by the respective PGAC. The admission committee will scrutinize the applications.

  3. The eligible applicants may be required to appear at a written and/or oral test conducted by the admission committee. The committee, on the basis of the admission test result, will approve a list of prospective postgraduate students for admission into the postgraduate program of the concerned department.

  4. Every selected candidate for the postgraduate program shall have to get himself/herself admitted/registered to the University within the prescribed time limit on payment of prescribed fees and other dues.

  5. Eligibility for the admission of foreign students in the aforementioned postgraduate programs shall be examined by the equivalence committee.

  6. On the recommendation of the appropriate PGAC, the rules for admission into postgraduate courses of the University may be amended from time to time by the Academic council through CASR.

Method of Course Offering and Key Instructions 


  • Student in the postgraduate program have to register the course(s) of the current semester within the prescribed time limit on payment of prescribed fees and other dues. Prior to each registration for any semester, the Adviser/Supervisor will check and approve the student’s schedule for course(s), prerequisites (if any) and the total credit hours.
  • A full time M.Sc. Engg./M. Engg./M. Phil student must register a minimum of 12 credit hours and a maximum of 15 credit hours of the theory course per semester. However, a Ph. D. student may register a minimum of 9 credit hours of the theory course per semester.
  •  Student may be allowed to withdraw and/or change his/her registered course(s) within two working weeks from the commencement of that semester on the recommendation of his/her supervisor/advisor and the member-secretary of the concerned PGAC, and upon approval of the concerned course teacher(s) and the head of the department.

Minimum Credit Hour Requirements for the Degree


Minimum requirements of the theory and thesis/Project credit hours to be earned by a student for different degrees are as outlined in the following table:





 Project  Total 

 M.Sc. Engineering

1818 --36

 M. Engineering

30 -- 06 36 



24-- 48 




-- 54 



Class tests, assignments and/or examination during the semester given by the teachers(s) concerned, there will be a written examination at the end of the semester for each of the courses offered in that semester. The dates of such examination will be announced by the Head of the respective department at least two weeks before the commencement of the examinations. The final grade in a subject will be based on the performance in all tests, assignments and/or examinations.


Key Instructions for Thesis/Project for M.Sc. Engineering/M. Engg./M. Phil degree


  • Research work for a thesis/project shall be carried out under the supervision of a full time teacher of the department, not below the rank of Assistant Professor preferably having Ph. D. degree. PGAC of the department will recommend the supervisor for a student in the middle of first semester. A co-supervisor (if necessary) from within or outside the department/University may also be recommended. The appointment of the supervisor and co-supervisor (if any), and the tentative research proposal of thesis/project written under the guidance of the supervisor(s) shall be approved by the CASR on recommendation of PGAC at the end of first semester of a full time student.
  • The research work must be carried out in this University. In special circumstances it may be carried out at a place(s) recommended by the supervisor in consultation with the Head of the department and approved by the CASR.
  • A seminar shall have to be presented by M. Sc. Engg/ M. Phil student on the progress of his/her research work, within the next semester after completion of course work. The Head of the department will keep a record of it and send a copy of the same to the Vice-Chancellor in prescribed form.
  • Every student shall submit to the Head of the department, through his/her supervisor a required number of printed copies of his/her thesis/project report in the approved format on or before a date to be fixed by the supervisor in consultation with the Head of the department concerned.
  • The students have to certify that the research work was done by him/her and same work has not been submitted elsewhere for any degree or award (except for publication).
  • The thesis/project should demonstrate an evidence of satisfactory knowledge in the field of research undertaken by the student and must be an original contribution to engineering/science and worth of publication

Key Instructions for Ph. D degree


  • Research work for a thesis will be carried out under the supervision of a full time teacher, having Ph. D. Degree of the department. PGAC of the department will recommend the supervisor for a student in the middle of the first semester. A co-supervisor (if necessary) from within or outside the department/University may also be recommended. The appointment of the supervisor, co-supervisor (if any), and the title of thesis will be approved by the CASR on recommendation of PGAC at the end of first semester of a full time student.
  • If any change in research proposal of the thesis, the supervisor and co-supervisor (if any) is unavoidable it should be approved by the CASR on recommendation of PGAC. In such a case, if the student fails to complete the program within the specified time limit, the student may get an extension for not more than one academic year.
  • Every student submitting a thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirement of a Ph.D. degree will be required to appear at an oral examination, on a date or dates fixed by the supervisor in consultation with Head of the department and must satisfy the examiners that he/she is capable of intelligently applying the results of this research to the solution of problems, of undertaking independent work, and also afford evidence of satisfactory knowledge related to the theory and technique used in his/her research work.
  • On receipt of favourable experts’ report, the supervisor in consultation with Head of the department shall propose to the Vice-Chancellor, for the approval of Academic Council, a panel of examiners for thesis and oral examination, usually one month before the date of thesis examination.
  • The thesis should demonstrate and evidence of satisfactory knowledge in the field of research undertaken by the student and must be an original contribution to engineering/science and worthy of publication. In support of this the student should have at least two publications in Journal of International standard.



  1. Every Ph.D. Student shall appear at a comprehensive examination, ordinarily held soon after the completion of the course requirements. The PGAC will form an examination committee named Doctoral scrutiny Committee (DSC) and will be constituted as follows:











Head of the department



One expert member with Ph. D. degree in the relevant field from outside the University

Expert Member 

 Two alternate names should be proposed.

Two members from within or outside the department, not below the rank of Assistant Professor  having Ph. D. degree


Three alternate names should be proposed. 

     The date and time of the comprehensive examination shall be fixed by the PGAC on the

     request of the supervisor.

  1. The comprehensive examination shall comprise a written examination and/or an oral examination to test the knowledge of the student related to the subject(s) of his research and allied fields. If a student fails to qualify in a comprehensive examination, he shall be given one more chance to appear in the examination as scheduled by the PGAC. The Head of the department will send a report of the comprehensive examination in prescribed form, to the Vice-Chancellor.

M.Sc. Engg./M.Engg./M.Phil











Head of the department



One external member from outside the department/University

External Member 

Two alternate names should be proposed.

One or two members from within or outside the department, not below the rank of Assistant Professor, having research experience.


Three alternate names should be proposed. 


Key Qualifying Requirements


  • Upon successful completion of the course work every student will submit a thesis on his/her research work or a report on his/her project work fulfilling the requirements. 
  • M. Sc. Engg/ M. Phil students must have a conference paper and should preferably have one publication in a referred Journal from his/her thesis work.
  • Ph. D. students must have at least three conference papers and should have at least two publications from his/her thesis work in a referred Journal.          

Grading System


Letter grade system will be applied in assessment of the performance of a student in semester examination.  Numerical marking may be made in answer scripts but all final gradings to be reported to the Head of the department in prescribed form, shall be in the letter grade as outlined below:


Marks obtain 

Grades Description 

Grade Points 

90% and above

A+Excellent 4.00

80% to below 90%

AVery good 3.50

70% to below 80%

B+Good 3.00
60% to below 70%





50% to below 60%

CPass 2.00

Below 50%

FFail 0.00





