This workshop is going to be organized by the Department of EEE, RUET in association with the IEEE RUET Student Branch. Workshop on Antennas and Propagation (WAP) will be held from Thursday to Friday, 27-28 June 2019.
WAP initiates to provide the exchange of information on the progress and recent advancement in the research and development of innovative antenna technology and radio wave propagation.
This workshop will cover a wide range of topics related to antenna technology, wave propagation, and electromagnetic theory. Prospective authors are invited to submit original contributions on their latest research findings and technology applications.
This workshop will cover up the following activities-
• Keynote speech (at least 4)
• Quiz
• Workshop on CST Software
• Workshop on HFSS Software
• Paper & poster presentation (based on paper submission)
• Project Competition
Paper, poster or project can be submitted to the following topics:
• Antenna (miniaturization, reconfigurable antenna, metamaterial, multiband antenna)
• Antenna array (phased array, digital beam-forming, signal processing)
• Antenna measurement and fabrication
• Digital communication (channel sounding and modeling, high data rate modulation technique, hardware design)
• GNSS system (antenna, receiver, anti-jamming)
• EM techniques and applications for defense and security
• Drone Technology
• Antenna for Biomedical Engineering
• Other antenna and propagation topics may be suggested
Important Dates:
> Paper Submission Deadline: 20th April, 2019
> Project Submission Deadline: 18th May, 2019
> Paper Acceptance Notification: 25th May, 2019
> Project Acceptance Notification: 25th May, 2019
> Registration Deadline: 5th June, 2019
> Workshop Date: June 27-28, 2019
Venue: Department of EEE, RUET
For any query, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Md. Selim Hossain
Organizing Secretary
Workshop on Antennas And Propagation
Professor, Dept. of EEE, RUET, Rajshahi-6204
Mim Naz Rahman
IEEE RUET Student Branch
E-mail: rahman.mim@ieee.org
Cell: +8801837992942