
A. F. M. Minhazur Rahman

আ. ফ. ম. মিনহাজুর রহমান

Assistant Professor

  •  Phone:   880-1710001958
  •  Email:
Field of Research
  •  Image Segmentation
  •  Deep Learning
  •  Computer Vision

  •  First Joined: 12th Dec, 2021
  •      Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering



Book / Book Chapter
Journal Articles
Conference Papers
SL Authors Title Publisher Details Publication Year Type
1 A. F. M. Minhazur Rahman and Md. Ali Hossain Ensemble-Based Transfer Learning Approach for Brain Tumor Segmentation from MRI Images Taylor and Francis 2023 Book Chapter
2 Md Minhazul Islam, Tanbeer Jubaer, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Md Rakib Hossain, SM Mahedy Hasan, Md Farukuzzaman Faruk, A. F. M. Minhazur Rahman Navigating Bengali Linguistics: Insights from Machine and Deep Learning Perspectives for Categorization of Sentences IEEE 2023 Conference
3 Farhan Kabir, Md Ali Hossain, AFM Minhazur Rahman, Sadia Zaman Mishu Depression Detection From Social Media Textual Data Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning Techniques IEEE 2023 Conference
4 Tahsen Islam Sajon, Maria Chowdhury, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Md Farukuzzaman Faruk, SM Mahedy Hasan, Abu Sayeed, A. F. M. Minhazur Rahman Recognition of Leukemia Sub-types Using Transfer Learning and Extraction of Distinguishable Features Using an Effective Machine Learning Approach IEEE 2023 Conference
5 A. F. M. Minhazur Rahman and Md. Ali Hossain Attention-refined U-Net with Skip Connections for Effective Brain Tumor Segmentation from MRI Images IEEE 2023 Conference
6 Kowshik Deb Nath, A. F. M. Minhazur Rahman and Md. Ali Hossain An Attention-Based Deep Learning Approach to Knee Injury Classification from MRI Images IEEE 2023 Conference
7 A. F. M. Minhazur Rahman, Boshir Ahmed Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Factor Analysis and Convolutional Neural Networks Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, Springer 2021 Book Chapter
  •  Obtained BSc in Computer Science & Engineering from RUET securing 1st Class with Honours (1st Position)
  •  Awarded Student of the Year for outstanding result in 4th year
  •  Awarded Student of the Year for outstanding result in 3rd year
  •  Awarded Student of the Year for outstanding result in 1st year
Phd Students
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Masters Students
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Undergraduate Students
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