
Dr. Mohammad Kamrul Hasan

ড. মোহাম্মদ কামরুল হাসান


  •  Room No:  123 (Ground floor), Administrative Building (East block), RUET, Rajshahi-6204, Bangladesh.
  •  Phone:   880-1915457998 , 880-2588866330
  •  PABX:   +8802588866742-3 Ext: 561
  •  Email:
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     Department of Mathematics

     Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET)

     Rajshahi-6204, Bangladesh.

Field of Research
  •  Numerical Analysis, Fluid Dynamics
  •  First Joined: 04th Sep, 2006
  •      Dept. of Mathematics



Book / Book Chapter
Journal Articles
Conference Papers
SL Authors Title Publisher Details Publication Year Type
1 Md. Ashraful Huq, M. Kamrul Hasan, M S Alam An approximation technique for solving anti-symmetric constant force and anti-symmetric quadratic nonlinear oscillators Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control 2024 2024 Journal
2 Md Ashraful Huq, M Kamrul Hasan and MS Alam An approximation technique for solving nonlinear oscillators Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 2023 2023 Journal
3 M. Shamsul Alam, M. Ashraful Huq, M. Kamrul Hasan, M. Saifur Rahman A new technique for solving a class of strongly nonlinear oscillatory equations Chaos, Solitons and Fractals , 152, 111362 (2021) 2021 Journal
4 Md. Habibur Rahaman, M. Kamrul Hasan, Md. Ayub Ali, M. S. Alam Approximate Numerical Solution of Singular Integrals and Singular Initial Value Problems American Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 8(5): pp. 265-270. 2020 Journal
5 Md. Habibur Rahaman, M. Kamrul Hasan, Md. Ayub Ali, M. S. Alam Implicit Methods for Numerical Solution of Singular Initial Value Problems Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences, PP 1-8 2020 Journal
6 S.M. Abul Kalam Azad and M. Kamrul Hasan An effective algorithm to solve cost minimizing transportation problem International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, Vol. 15(4), pp 434-445 2019 Journal
7 M. Kamrul Hasan and M. Suzan Ahamed An implicit method for numerical solution of system of first-order singular initial value problems Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 27(2), pp. 1-11 2018 Journal
8 M. Kamrul Hasan, M. Suzan Ahamed, B. M. Ikramul Haque, M. S. Alam and M. Bellal Hossain, A higher order implicit method for numerical solution of second order singular initial value problems Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 655, pp. 255-264, 2017 Conference
9 B. M. Ikramul Haque, Md. Asifuzzaman and M. Kamrul Hasan Improvement of analytical solution to the inverse truly nonlinear oscillator by extended iterative method Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 655, pp. 412-421 2017 Conference
10 M. S. Ahamed, M. Kamrul Hasan and M. S. Alam A new approach to homotopy perturbation method for solving systems of Volterra integral equations of first kind African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research, Vol.10 (3), pp. 18-23 2017 Journal
11 M. S. Ahamed, M. Kamrul Hasan and M. S. Alam A New approach to homotopy perturbation method for solving Emden–Fowler equations Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 11(40), pp. 1955 – 1964 2017 Journal
12 M. Kamrul Hasan, M. Suzan Ahamed, M. S. Alam and M. Bellal Hossain A New approach for Numerical Solution of Singular Integral Equations of Abel’s Second Kinds Bulletin of Calcutta Mathematical Society, Vol. 108(5), pp. 367-374 2016 Journal
13 Md. Habibur Rahaman, Md. Ashraful Huq, M. Kamrul Hasan A New Straightforward Method for Evaluating Singular Integrals Applied and Computational Mathematics. Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 420-423 2015 Journal
14 M. Kamrul Hasan, M. Ashraful Huq, M. Habibur Rahaman and B.M. Ikramul Haque A more accurate and straightforward method for evaluating singular integrals Universal Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3(3): pp. 53-61 2015 Journal
15 Md. Habibur Rahaman, M. Kamrul Hasan, Md. Ashraful Huq, Md. Suzan Ahamed and M. Shamsul Alam A higher order straightforward method for evaluating singular integrals Journal of Calcutta Mathematical Society, Vol. 11(1), pp.11-16 2015 Journal
16 M. Kamrul Hasan, M Ashraful Huq, M Saifr Rahman, M M Rahman and M S Alam A new implicit method for numerical solution of singular initial value problems International Journal of Conceptions on Computing and Info Technology, Vol. 2(1): pp. 87-91 2014 Journal
17 M. Kamrul Hasan, M. Suzan Ahamed, Md. Ashraful Huq, M. S. Alam and M. Bellal Hossain, An implicit method for numerical solution of second order singular initial value problems The Open Mathematics Journal, Vol.7, pp. 1-5 2014 Journal
18 M. Kamrul Hasan, M. Suzan Ahamed, M. S. Alam and M. Bellal Hossain An implicit method for numerical solution of singular and stiff initial value problems Journal of Computational Engineering, Vol 2013; Article ID 720812 2013 Journal
19 M. Kamrul Hasan, M. M. Karim and M. A. H. Khan Effects of hub taper angle and pod-strut geometry on hydrodynamic characteristics of podded propulsors Journal of Ship Technology, Vol. 7.No.2, pp. 63-74 2011 Journal
20 M. Ashraful Huq, M. Kamrul Hasan, M. Majedur Rahman and M. Shamsul Alam A simple and straightforward method for evaluating some singular integrals Far East Journal of Mathematical Education, Vol.7 (2), pp. 93-107 2011 Journal
21 M. M. Karim, M. A. Hakim Khan and M. Kamrul Hasan A study of surface panel method for the analysis of Marine Propellers in steady flow Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. ME35, pp. 42-54 2006 Journal
  •  UGC Scholarship for brilliant results in Undergraduate Level
  •  Bangladesh Mathematical Society (Life time member NO. 501)
Phd Students
IdNameThesis workCurrent Position
1205106002Md. Ashraful HuqNovel differential transform method for solving nonlinear physical problems (Continue)Education Inspector, Secondary Level, Puthiya, Rajshahi.
Masters Students
IdNameThesis workCurrent Position
0804106005S.M. Abul Kalam AzadDevelopment of Algorithm for Linear Programming Model of Transportation Problems (Awarded August 2019)Assistant Professor, Rajshahi Govt. City College, Rajshahi
Undergraduate Students
IdNameThesis workCurrent Position
Activity Description
Executive Member RUET Teachers Association (2024-2025)
Joint Secretary RUET Teachers Association (2022-2023)
Excutive Member RUET Teachers Association (2020-2021)
Excutive Member RUET Teachers Association (2018-2019)
Assistant Provost Shahid Lieutenant Selim Hall, RUET (2013-2015)