
Md. Azmain Yakin Srizon

মোঃ আজমাইন ইয়াক্বীন সৃজন

Assistant Professor

  •  Room No:  Department of CSE, RUET
  •  Phone:   880-1790187189
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I hold both an M.Sc. and a B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering from the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology. My research interests include Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Biomedical Engineering, Bioinformatics, Image Processing, and Natural Language Processing (NLP). Much of my work focuses on Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Transfer Learning.
Field of Research
  •  Computer Vision
  •  Pattern Recognition
  •  Biomedical
  •  Bioinformatics
  •  Deep Learning
  •  Transfer Learning
  •  Machine Learning
  •  Digital Image Processing
Google Scholar Publons ORCID ResearchGate
  •  First Joined: 23rd Feb, 2021
  •      Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering



Book / Book Chapter
Journal Articles
Conference Papers
SL Authors Title Publisher Details Publication Year Type
1 Sirajam Samira, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk, Md Nazmul Islam, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Prof. Dr. Md. Al Mamun, Azmain Yakin Srizon and Md. Rakib Hossain Enhancing Gastrointestinal Diagnosis: CBAM-Integrated CNNs for High-Precision Multi-Class Anatomical Landmark Identification IEEE 2024 Conference
2 Md. Musab Us Saber Shakin, Md. Minhazul Islam, Md. Rakib Hossain, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Farzana Akter, Shykul Islam Siam, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk and Azmain Yakin Srizon Synergizing GAN and Customized Neural Network for Enhanced Brain Stroke Prediction: A Web-based Implementation IEEE 2024 Conference
3 Md. Minhazul Islam, Md. Rakib Hossain, Md. Musab Us Saber Shakin, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk and Farzana Akter Enhanced Knee Osteoarthritis Classification using a Modified EfficientNetB5 Architecture with Self-Attention Mechanism IEEE 2024 Conference
4 Barsha Roy, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk, Md Nazmul Islam, Azmain Yakin Srizon, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Md. Al Mamun, Md. Rakib Hossain and Md Faruk Hossain A Cutting-Edge Ensemble of Vision Transformer and ResNet101v2 Based Transfer Learning for the Precise Classification of Leukemia Sub-types from Peripheral Blood Smear Images IEEE 2024 Conference
5 Ishmam Khan, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk, Md. Al Mamun, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Md Nazmul Islam, Md. Rakib Hossain and Md Faruk Hossain Leveraging the Robust Capability of Modified Multi-Layer Gated Recurrent Units for Fake News Detection IEEE 2024 Conference
6 Ashraf Ul Alam, Sudipta Progga Islam, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk, Md. Al Mamun and Md. Rakib Hossain Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation via Enhanced U-Net with Residual and Attention Mechanisms IEEE 2024 Conference
7 Tushar Das, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Anwar Hossain Efat, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Md. Al Mamun and Md. Rakib Hossain Towards Superior EEG-Based Emotion Recognition: Integrating CNN Outputs with Machine Learning Classifiers for Enhanced Performance IEEE 2024 Conference
8 Abu Sayeed, Nasif Osman Khansur, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk, Salem A. Alyami, AKM Azad and Mohammad Ali Moni An Effective Screening of COVID-19 Pneumonia by Employing Chest X-ray Segmentation and Attention-based Ensembled Classification IET Image Processing 2024 Journal
9 Tahsen Islam Sajon, Barsha Roy, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Shakil Mahmud Shuvo, Md. Al Mamun, Abu Sayeed and S. M. Mahedy Hasan Attention Mechanism-enhanced Deep CNN Architecture for Precise Multi-Class Leukemia Classification Springer 2023 Book Chapter
10 Shakil Mahmud Shuvo, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Tahsen Islam Sajon, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Anirban Barai, A. F. M. Minhazur Rahman and Md. Al Mamun Multi-Class Brain Tumor Classification with DenseNet Based Deep Learning Features and Ensemble of Machine Learning Approaches Springer 2023 Book Chapter
11 Md Abu Ismail Siddique and Azmain Yakin Srizon An Effective Dimensionality Reduction Workflow for the Enhancement of Automated Date Fruit Recognition Utilizing Several Machine Learning Classifiers Springer 2023 Book Chapter
12 Bristi Rani Roy, Md. Al Mamun and Azmain Yakin Srizon Evaluating the Effectiveness of 3-D DenseNet and Spatial Spectral Residual Networks in Hyperspectral Image Classification IEEE 2023 Conference
13 Soumik Datta, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Md. Rakib Hossain, Anwar Hossain Efat and Mostarina Mitu Improved Diabetes Prediction with Reduced Feature Sets: Evaluating Feature Selection Techniques in Machine Learning IEEE 2023 Conference
14 Kawshik Banerjee, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk, S. M. Mahedy Hasan and Md. Rakib Hossain Quantifying Shifts in Word Contexts from Social Media Data Taylor & Francis 2023 Book Chapter
15 Nahrin Jannat, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Mahjabin Oishe, Anwar Hossain Efat, Md Fakrul Islam Taraque, Mostarina Mitu and Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk Efficient Detection of Crop Leaf Diseases: A Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Enhanced Agricultural Productivity IEEE 2023 Conference
16 Md. Barhanul Karim, Md. Safaiat Hossain, Rahul Reza Roky and Azmain Yakin Srizon BHSGR-Net: A Light-Weight Convolutional Neural Architecture for Recognition of Bengali Hand Sign Gestures Taylor & Francis 2023 Book Chapter
17 S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Md. Al Mamun and Azmain Yakin Srizon Enhancing Multi-Class Skin Lesion Classification with Modified EfficientNets: Advancing Early Detection of Skin Cancer IEEE 2023 Conference
18 Soumit Das, Ashraf-Ul-Alam, Sudipta Progga Islam and Azmain Yakin Srizon BanglaOngko: A New Dataset for Accurate Bengali Mathematical Expression Detection Utilizing YOLOv8 Architecture Taylor & Francis 2023 Book Chapter
19 S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Md. Al Mamun, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk and Azmain Yakin Srizon Ensemble of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Multi-Class Skin Lesion Recognition Using Soft Attention IEEE 2023 Conference
20 Anwar Hossain Efat, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Nahrin Jannat, Mahjabin Rahman Oishe, Md Fakrul Islam Taraque, Mostarina Mitu, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk and Azmain Yakin Srizon Preventing Skin Cancer through Improved Skin Lesion Recognition: An Attention-Triplet and Multi-Layer Ensemble Based CNN Approach Springer 2023 Book Chapter
21 Sheikh Fazle Rabbi, Md. Al Mamun, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk, S. M. Mahedy Hasan and Azmain Yakin Srizon A Multi-branch and Attention Based CNN Architecture for the Classification of Retinal Diseases from OCT Images IEEE 2023 Conference
22 Mayeesha Farjana, Barisha Chowdhury, Farhana Rahman, Zuairia Raisa Bintay Makin, Sumaiya Rahman and Azmain Yakin Srizon Gender Abusive Language Detection in Bengali Using Machine Learning Algorithms Springer 2023 Book Chapter
23 Maria Chowdhury, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Tahsen Islam Sajon, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Ananya Sarker, Md. Al Mamun, Md. Rakibul Haque and Md. Rakib Hossain Large Ensemble of Transfer-Learned Models for Plant Disease Recognition from Diverse Leaf Images Taylor & Francis 2023 Book Chapter
24 Anirban Barai, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk, Shakil Mahmud Shuvo, Azmain Yakin Srizon, S. M. Mahedy Hasan and Abu Sayeed A Late Fusion Deep CNN Model for the Classification of Brain Tumors from Multi-Parametric MRI Images IEEE 2023 Conference
25 Azmain Yakin Srizon, Ananya Sarker, Md. Al Mamun, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk and S. M. Mahedy Hasan Enhancing Waste Categorization Using Ensemble of Transfer Learning and Light-Weight Convolutional Neural Network IEEE 2023 Conference
26 Mahjabin Oishe, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Anwar Hossain Efat, Nahrin Jannat, Mostarina Mitu and Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk Enhancing Glaucoma Prediction Performance in OCT Images using Machine Learning Based on HOG Features IEEE 2023 Conference
27 Rezwanul Haque, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Anwar Hossain Efat, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk, Mahjabin Oishe, Nahrin Jannat and Mostarina Mitu Evaluating the Efficacy of Feature Selection Methods in Cardiovascular Disease Prediction with Machine Learning IEEE 2023 Conference
28 Md. Muhaiminul Islam, Farzana Akter, Md. Rakib Hossain, Dr Md Faruk Hossain, S. M. Mahedy Hasan and Azmain Yakin Srizon An Advanced IoT and GPS-GSM Based Real-Time Automated Data Monitoring Robot with Image Processing and Live Streaming for Human Life and Land Mine Detection Systems IEEE 2023 Conference
29 Farjana Islam, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Farzana Akter, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Md. Rakib Hossain, Md. Al Mamun, Md Nazmul Islam and Md Faruk Hossain An Investigation of Hyperparameters Optimization and Feature Reduction Techniques: Predicting Airline Passenger Satisfaction Using Machine Learning Models IEEE 2023 Conference
30 Protik Chakroborty, Sadia Zaman Mishu, Md. Al Mamun, Md. Ali Hossain and Azmain Yakin Srizon Predicting Brain Tumor Region from MRI FLAIR Images using Ensemble Method IEEE 2023 Conference
31 Md Nazmul Islam, Md. Al Mamun, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk, Azmain Yakin Srizon, S. M. Mahedy Hasan and Barsha Roy Spatial Attention-guided Deep Learning for Accurate Kidney Disease Classification in CT Scans IEEE 2023 Conference
32 Md. Sabbir Hossain, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk, Azmain Yakin Srizon, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Md. Shariful Chowdhury, Md. Rakib Hossain, Md Nazmul Islam and Md Faruk Hossain A Customized 3D CNN Integrated with Convolutional Block Attention Module for Precise Diagnosis of COVID-19 and Pneumonia from CT Scan Images IEEE 2023 Conference
33 Md. Mehedi Hasan, Md. Ali Hossain, Azmain Yakin Srizon and Abu Sayeed TaLU: A Hybrid Activation Function Combining Tanh and Rectified Linear Unit to Enhance Neural Networks arXiv 2023 Journal
34 Tushar Ibtekar, Md. Rakibul Haque and Azmain Yakin Srizon Comparative Study Between ResNet And EfficientNet Family For Classification of Leukemia IEEE 2023 Conference
35 Rifatul Islam, Md. Rakib Hossain, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Farzana Akter, Md. Minhazul Islam and Md. Musab Us Saber Shakin Enhanced Brain Tumor Classification using Squeeze and Excitation Attention-Guided Modified EfficientNetB2 Architecture IEEE 2023 Conference
36 Md. Minhazul Islam, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Md. Rakib Hossain, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Farzana Akter, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk and Sheikh Shraboni Akter Channel Attention-Guided Lightweight CNN Meets Extreme Learning Machine: Multi-Class Crop Leaf Disease Classification with Explainable AI IEEE 2023 Conference
37 Anindya Basak, Farzana Akter, Md. Rakib Hossain, Azmain Yakin Srizon, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk and Shadman Sakib A Novel CNN-BiLSTM Fusion Model for Robust Age Estimation from Facial Images IEEE 2023 Conference
38 Shadman Sakib, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Md. Rakib Hossain, Farzana Akter, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk and Anindya Basak Predictive Analytics in Agriculture: Unraveling the Determinants of Crop Yield with Machine Learning IEEE 2023 Conference
39 Hedayatul Islam, Md. Rakib Hossain, Farzana Akter, Azmain Yakin Srizon, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk and Md. Minhazul Islam Enhanced Brain Tumor Segmentation: A Study on the Efficacy of Multi-Model Ensembling Utilizing Diverse Backbones IEEE 2023 Conference
40 Md Hossain, Md. Rakib Hossain, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Farzana Akter, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk and Hedayatul Islam Leveraging AI-Driven Strategies to Mitigate Employee Turnover in Commercial Industries IEEE 2023 Conference
41 Md. Musab Us Saber Shakin, Farzana Akter, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Md. Rakib Hossain, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Rifatul Islam and Sheikh Shraboni Akter Squeeze and Excitation Attention Meets Modified EfficientNetB0 Architecture: Multi-Class Brain Tumor Classification Using Explainable Artifical Intelligence IEEE 2023 Conference
42 Shahriar Emon, Md. Rakib Hossain, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Farzana Akter, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk and Md Hossain Prediction of Medical Insurance Costs: A SHAP-Enhanced Predictive Analysis for Transparency and Interpretability IEEE 2023 Conference
43 Sakib Sarker, Md. Al Mehedi Hasan and Azmain Yakin Srizon Identification and Validation of the Most Prevalent Biomarkers in Hepatocellular Carcinoma IEEE 2023 Conference
44 Md Minhazul Islam, Tanbeer Jubaer, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Md. Rakib Hossain, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk and A. F. M. Minhazur Rahman Navigating Bengali Linguistics: Insights from Machine and Deep Learning Perspectives for Categorization of Sentences IEEE 2023 Conference
45 Md. Muhaiminul Islam, Farzana Akter, Md. Rakib Hossain, Md Faruk Hossain, S. M. Mahedy Hasan and Azmain Yakin Srizon An Advanced IoT and GPS-GSM Based Real-Time Automated Data Monitoring Robot with Image Processing and Live Streaming for Human Life and Land Mine Detection Systems IEEE 2023 Conference
46 Abu Sayeed, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Md. Mehedi Hasan, Jungpil Shin, Md. Al Mehedi Hasan and M. Rasel Mahmud A Hybrid Campus Security System Combined of Face, Number-plate, and Voice Recognition Springer 2023 Book Chapter
47 Tahsen Islam Sajon, Maria Chowdhury, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Abu Sayeed and A. F. M. Minhazur Rahman Recognition of Leukemia Sub-types Using Transfer Learning and Extraction of Distinguishable Features Using an Effective Machine Learning Approach IEEE 2023 Conference
48 Md. Mehedi Hasan, Md. Ali Hossain, Azmain Yakin Srizon and Abu Sayeed JuktoMala: A Handwritten Bengali Consonant Conjuncts Dataset for Optical Character Recognition Using BiT-based M-ResNet-101x3 Architecture IEEE 2023 Conference
49 Azmain Yakin Srizon, Md. Ali Hossain, Abu Sayeed and Md. Mehedi Hasan An Effective Approach for Handwritten Punctuation Recognition by Using a Low-cost Convolutional Neural Network IEEE 2022 Conference
50 Azmain Yakin Srizon and Md. Ali Hossain BornomalaNet: An Effective Approach for Handwritten Bengali Characters Recognition by Using a Low-cost Convolutional Neural Network IEEE 2022 Conference
51 Md Shamiul Islam Shopnil, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Azmain Yakin Srizon and Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk Post-Pandemic Sentiment Analysis Based on Twitter Data Using Deep Learning IEEE 2022 Conference
52 Md. Abdur Rakib Mollah, Azmain Yakin Srizon and Mohiuddin Ahmed An Ensemble Approach for Identification of Distracted Driver by Implementing Transfer Learned Deep CNN Architectures IEEE 2022 Conference
53 Azmain Yakin Srizon, S. M. Mahedy Hasan, Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk, Abu Sayeed and Md. Ali Hossain Human Activity Recognition Utilizing Ensemble of Transfer-Learned Attention Networks and a Low-Cost Convolutional Neural Architecture IEEE 2022 Conference
54 Md. Mehedi Hasan, Md. Ali Hossain, Azmain Yakin Srizon and Abu Sayeed ComNet: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network Capable of Classifying Compound Bengali Handwritten Characters High Number of Classes in a Data-Scarce State IEEE 2022 Conference
55 Koki Hirooka, Md. Al Mehedi Hasan, Jungpil Shin and Azmain Yakin Srizon Ensembled Transfer Learning Based Multi-channel Attention Networks for Human Activity Recognition in Still Images IEEE Access 2022 Journal
56 Jungpil Shin, Akitaka Matsuoka, Md. Al Mehedi Hasan and Azmain Yakin Srizon American Sign Language Alphabet Recognition by Extracting Feature from Hand Pose Estimation Sensors, MDPI 2021 Journal
57 Mohiuddin Ahmed, Abu Sayeed, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Md Rakibul Haque and Md. Mehedi Hasan A Deep Learning Approach in Detailed Fingerprint Identification Taylor & Francis 2021 Book Chapter
58 Md Rakibul Haque, Azmain Yakin Srizon and Mohiuddin Ahmed Probing Skin Lesions and Performing Classification of Skin Cancer Using EfficientNet while Resolving Class Imbalance Using SMOTE Taylor & Francis 2021 Book Chapter
59 Abu Sayeed, Jungpil Shin, Md. Al Mehedi Hasan, Azmain Yakin Srizon and Md. Mehedi Hasan BengaliNet: A Low-Cost Novel Convolutional Neural Network for Bengali Handwritten Characters Recognition Applied Sciences, MDPI 2021 Journal
60 Md. Mehedi Hasan, Md. Ali Hossain, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Abu Sayeed, Mohiuddin Ahmed and Md Rakibul Haque Improving Performance of a Pre-trained ResNet-50 Based VGGFace Recognition System by Utilizing Retraining as a Heuristic Step IEEE 2021 Conference
61 Azmain Yakin Srizon, Md. Ali Hossain and Md Rakibul Haque Low Resolution Hand Gestures Recognition of Bengali Sign Alphabet by Using a Convolutional Neural Network IEEE 2021 Conference
62 Md Rakibul Haque, Azmain Yakin Srizon and Md. Al Mamun Exploring Spectral and Spatial Features Using a Hybrid Approach Combining Stacked AutoEncoder and a Novel Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification IEEE 2021 Conference
63 Md. Mehedi Hasan, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Abu Sayeed and Md. Al Mehedi Hasan High Performance Classification of Caltech-101 with a Transfer Learned Deep Convolutional Neural Network IEEE 2021 Conference
64 Md. Al Mehedi Hasan, Jungpil Shin, Utsha Das and Azmain Yakin Srizon Identifying Prognostic Features for Predicting Heart Failure Using Machine Learning Algorithm ACM 2021 Conference
65 Abdul Kader, Samiha Sharif, Pranta Bhowmick, Fahmida Haque Mim and Azmain Yakin Srizon Effective workflow for high-performance recognition of fruits using machine learning approaches International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology 2020 Journal
66 Md. Mehedi Hasan, Azmain Yakin Srizon and Md. Al Mehedi Hasan Classification of Bengali Sign Language Characters by Applying a Novel Deep Convolutional Neural Network IEEE 2020 Conference
67 Ananya Sarkar, Rabiul Islam and Azmain Yakin Srizon A Comprehensive Pre-processing Approach for High-Performance Classification of Twitter Data with several Machine Learning Algorithms IEEE 2020 Conference
68 Utsha Das, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Md. Al Mehedi Hasan, Julia Rahman and Md. Khaled Ben Islam Effective Data Dimensionality Reduction Workflow for High-Dimensional Gene Expression Datasets IEEE 2020 Conference
69 Md. Mehedi Hasan, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Abu Sayeed and Md. Al Mehedi Hasan Classification of Sign Language Characters by Applying a Deep Convolutional Neural Network IEEE 2020 Conference
70 Md. Mehedi Hasan, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Abu Sayeed and Md. Al Mehedi Hasan Bengali Handwritten Isolated Compound Characters Recognition by Applying Transfer Learned Deep Convolutional Neural Network IEEE 2020 Conference
71 Md. Mehedi Hasan, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Abu Sayeed and Md. Al Mehedi Hasan Classification of American Sign Language by Applying a Transfer Learned Deep Convolutional Neural Network IEEE 2020 Conference
72 Utsha Das, Azmain Yakin Srizon and Md. Al Mehedi Hasan Accurate Recognition of Coronary Artery Disease by Applying Machine Learning Classifiers IEEE 2020 Conference
73 Utsha Das, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Md. Ansarul Islam, Dhiman Sikder Tonmoy and Md. Al Mehedi Hasan Prognostic Biomarkers Identification for Diabetes Classification by Utilizing Machine Learning Classifiers IEEE 2020 Conference
74 Md. Mehedi Hasan, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Abu Sayeed and Md. Al Mehedi Hasan Handwritten Numerals Recognition by Employing a Transfer Learned Deep Convolution Neural Network for Diverse Literature IEEE 2020 Conference
75 Md. Mehedi Hasan, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Abu Sayeed and Md. Al Mehedi Hasan High-Performance Object Recognition by Employing a Transfer Learned Deep Convolutional Neural Network IEEE 2020 Conference
76 Md. Mehedi Hasan, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Abu Sayeed and Md. Al Mehedi Hasan Accurate Recognition of Leukemia Sub-types by Utilizing a Transfer Learned Deep Convolutional Neural Network IEEE 2020 Conference
77 Abu Sayeed, Md. Mehedi Hasan and Azmain Yakin Srizon Bengali Sign Language Characters Recognition by Utilizing Transfer Learned Deep Convolutional Neural Network IEEE 2020 Conference
78 Md. Mehedi Hasan, Azmain Yakin Srizon, Abu Sayeed and Md. Al Mehedi Hasan Bengali Handwritten Compound Characters Recognition by Utilizing Transfer Learning IEEE 2020 Conference
79 Ananya Sarker, Md. Shahid Uz Zaman and Azmain Yakin Srizon Twitter data classification by applying and comparing multiple machine learning techniques International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology 2019 Journal
80 Azmain Yakin Srizon and Md. Al Mehedi Hasan Prognostic Biomarker Identification for Pancreatic Cancer by Analyzing Multiple mRNA Microarray and microRNA Expression Datasets IEEE 2019 Conference
  •  Award of Excellency, Machine Learning Research Group, 2019
  •  Champion, Huawei Seeds for the Future Bangladesh, 2018
  •  1st Runner-Up, RITS Idea Contest, 2015
  •  চৌকস (Meritorious) Award: 2002-2012, Rajshahi University School & College, 2012
  •  Reviewer, IEEE Access
Phd Students
IdNameThesis workCurrent Position
Masters Students
IdNameThesis workCurrent Position
Undergraduate Students
IdNameThesis workCurrent Position
1703066Rahul Reza RokyEmpowering the Deaf Community: A Vision-Based Method for Understanding Bangla Sign Language NumeralsStudent
1703009Maria ChowdhuryRecognition of Leukemia Sub-types Using Transfer Learning and Extraction of Distinguishable Features Using an Effective Machine Learning ApproachStudent
1703111Md. Mazahrul IslamPrognostic Biomarker Identification for Earlier Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer Using Multiple mRNA Microarray and microRNA Expression DatasetsStudent
1703016Kawshik BanerjeeStatistically Quantifying for Polysemous Words using Embedding RegressionStudent
Activity Description
Attended Conferences

As Author:

  1. 5th International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Materials and Electronic Engineering (IC4ME2), 2019 [11-12 July 2019]
  2. IEEE TENSYMP (2020 IEEE Region 10 Symposium), 2020 [5-7 June 2020]
  3. 2nd International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technology (ICAICT), 2020 [27-28 November 2020]
  4. 11th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE), 2020 [17-19 December 2020]
  5. 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI), 2020 [19-20 December 2020]
  6. The 23rd International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2020 [19-21 December, 2020]
  7. Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development (ICICT4SD), 2021 [27-28 February 2021]
  8. International Conference on Big Data, IoT and Machine Learning (BIM), 2021 [23-25 September 2021]

As Participant:

  1. The International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0 (ACMI), 2020 [8-9 July 2021]
Trainings & Workshops

As Participant:

  1. Training Workshop on BNQF and BAC Accreditation by IQAC, RUET [19-20 June 2021]